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As every pro knows, backlinks are amongst the most, if not the most, important aspects of SEO. A backlink is simply a site linking to yours, but it's extremely important to not just have many backlinks, but also high quality backlinks. A quality backlink is one from a site that Google determines to be of quality - their impression of quality propagates along backlinks. That is, a link from the New York Times is far more valuable than a link in the comment section on a barely visited site with no good content. Backlinks and content go hand in hand - if you're producing quality content that gets linked by lots of quality sites, you're on the right path. The following tools allow you to analyse the backlinks of your site, and importantly, the backlinks of competitors sites. This is extremely important. If you're targeting a particular keyword and your competitor is higher up on Google's search results, analysing the backlinks of their page will give you insights into how they'...
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A source of information on Search Engine Optimisation This can include videos, documents, or articles
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Blogs with a game development focus. Typical content focuses around game design, art, sound articles, and design reviews
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Blog   Link  
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0 Apps
Desktop software, mobile applications, and some websites with application-like functionality, such as Reddit.
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This is a non-chronological list of articles published on unlike kinds. For a chronological list, visit the [unlike kinds home page](/)
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Sometimes things get moved around on unlike kinds. The following tells the system to redirect a user to a certain thing when a certain URL is requested. These can not be edited by regular users.
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1 Links
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1 People
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One of the most difficult aspects of game development can be sourcing quality graphical assets, whether 2D or 3D. Partnering with an artist is usually your best bet, but finding an artist who shares your vision and is willing to partner for a share in the final product can also be difficult. Not to mention it takes time for graphics to be made from scratch. And sometimes an extremely long time. For those of us who don't need an exceptionally unique art style, there are a wealth of sites and resources for purchasing pre-made assets that look great and are yours instantly for a low price. These are listed here. Don't forget to add your own if you know of a graphics goldmine.
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